Pergola Tartufi

Pergola Tartufi

June 4, 2020, 3:11 p.m.
Pergola Truffles is a “start up” born from the passion of three young businessman for their territory. Their goal is to enhance, enrich and promote the place where they decided to live.  

We are speaking of Pergola, a beautiful town in the Marche countryside, famous for “the Golden Bronzes” an Roman equestrian group buried for over 2000 years and today on display in the local museum. 

But “the Bronzes” are not the only unique treasure to be found in this area. Pergola is in fact a territory strongly suited to the production of most marketable truffles, including the famous Bianco Pregiato (Tuber Magnato Pico), the white truffle and the pride of this small company.

The choice to include Pergola in the business’s name has been made to give a clear identity to the product that the company promotes. Another important feature - stated in the Company Claim - is to trade fresh truffles 311 days a year.

The three partners underline that “the Truffle is exclusively collected in Pergola or its vicinity.   In a very complicated financial period, we have decided to invest in our territory, respecting it, valuing it and regenerating traditional jobs.
In recent years, following our advice, many younger people have become “cavatori”. They have bought and trained a dog to find this precious tuber and they have spoken with elderly Truffle Hunters, the people who jealously guard the secret of the “treasure maps”, to discover where best to find it.”

Thanks to the ease with which the truffle can be found in this area, another objective that the three partners have set themselves is to export it all over the world, to those places where it is least present, directly into homes, so as to  make it popular through accessibility, discovery and knowledge, as a culinary enhancement.

They explain “we want to create a strong relationship between the product and the territory, trying to bring in the buyers to this part of the Marche region. Not only a journey of discovery of food, but much more. So we propose a range of different activities such as trekking, exploration of historic villages, ancient monasteries and museums with priceless treasures. But the real revolution is the sensorial truffle experience. A day in which you can  come with us to          find and collect truffles and then…taste them! 

Among numerous projects, we have also started a line of products made with truffles (cream, cheese, butter, rice, polenta….). They are premium quality as they are certified by the Academy of Italian Truffles. But these products are not to replace Pergola truffles, on the contrary they will have a great importance in their promotion. 
At this point you should taste them. Why not order our products online, or taste them in Pergola itself, after having found them in the woods? “