Fratelli Branca Distillerie

Via Broletto 35, 20121 Milano
Fratelli Branca Distillerie
Our company motto, “Novare serbando” sums up the way in which we look at the present, as well as to the future. We innovate taking into account the socio-economic evolution, of market trends and consumer needs, but we never forget the values that have made this reality a solid and entrepreneurial company of the Branca Family. The “serbare” represents the founder’s intuition that gave birth to a long tradition in doing and of doing, to a unique craftsmanship that uses formulas to create the preparations which have never been altered. 
We consider all suppliers true partners in aiming toward value creation, this is true also for all our stakeholders. The network of relationships that is generated aids in producing stable and productive relationships. 
We share all our objectives with our workforce, so that everyone has a clear vision of their own objectives 
We all work together, as a team, supporting each other and have as an objective a common project. 
Our cardinal value is awareness: before acting on something we think about the motivations that move us to do it, we then focus on clarity, correct communication and the delivery our our enthusiasm. 

Company Details

Categories Wine & Spirits
Coffee, Tea & Hot Drinks
Certificates -
Distribution Channels
Year Established -
Worldwide Presence -
Targeted Countries -
Produces Private-Label Not Specified
Employees -


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